Nice Monday

Friday, October 30, 2009

Merry Maids

Merry Maids, originally uploaded by brandymcclurg.

Tim finally hired me at 1/2 off a little Merry maid to help out with the house ;-)

Monday, October 19, 2009

The fun of it all...

The fun of it all..., originally uploaded by brandymcclurg.

Logan grabbed a full yogurt off of the table and had a B-L-A-S-T with it! Of course Owen and Brady could NOT stop laughing.. I've never seen them so worked up... and of course that egged Logan on to do more of his "fast feet dancing" in the yogurt... looks like I have another messy boy on my hands!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Owen's doctor's appt.

Owen's doctor's appt., originally uploaded by brandymcclurg.
Owen was so brave at his 5th year check up today. He was a little scared of getting shots ( he had to get 3) but did a great job. He wanted to pose for a shot with his snoopy band aids to show everyone how brave he is! lol.